Fun Blogs we Enjoy

Anyone who works in or with libraries knows you need a little humor to you make it through the day. We here feel the same way and wanted to share with you a few of the blogs and humor sites that make us chuckle. Do you have some we should see? Let us know in the comments!

We’ve recently discovered Awful Library Books (link). It’s a place where you see all those books that should have been weeded years ago that are still in collections! With many great photos, like:

Awful Library Books

A site we think has real potential, but hasn’t yet taken off yet is, Funny Subject Headings (link). Working in Authority Control we know there are more than a fair share of funny and amusing subject headings, now if only someone would blog about them consistently! Best of the site: Canned Meat|xPoetry.

We are also big fans of library cats, but how can you keep track of all past and present library cats? Thanks to this site, Library Cats Map (link).

The Not The Master of Library and Information Studies test (link) is a good one if you’re just thinking about going into the library sciences, or not sure you made the right choice

What are some of your favorite laugh spots on the net?

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