Dedupe 2.4

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Dedupe 2.4: Group 1 - 008 Date (Verify)


008 date

Verify Date: This is for verifying on the publication date used in the 008 date fields (positions 7-10 and 11-14.

Verify Method

Parameters in this verification allow partial dates to match to either full dates or other partial dates. Different methods are used in this FULL/PARTIAL/WITHIN.

  • FULL compares both date1 and date2 of each record - both have to match.
  • PARTIAL compares date1 of each record. If no match it compares date2 if the dates don't start with fill characters (space or |).
  • WITHIN compares date1 of one record to date2 of the other and vice-versa. If no match it also does a parital verify.


The date tolerance for the Verify Date parameter is the number of years the date can differ and still qualify as a matched record. This allows for more leniency with hits on the 010/020 and stricter criteria for the TITLE or other fields. The tolerance allows for dates to match within a specified number of years.

Match exactly

The year 1996 can only verify with another record that has the year 1996. It will not match either 1995, 199u, 199-, or 199 (ends with blank).

Off by 1 year

The year 1996 would match either 1995, 1996, or 1997. It would not match 1994, 1998, or years where the ending digit is missing or contains a fill character.

Off by # years

This allows the year tolerance to be increased by the Library for two-plus years. This is helpful when the desired outcome is to match the same decade of the original year in question.

  • Although Backstage recommends using the 008 date blocks, if these are missing or considered unreliable, please consult with Backstage staff for using the 260 $c publication date instead.


Group 1 (010, 020, 022)
008 date blocks must verify; can be off by 1 year


2.1 - 2.2 - 2.3 - 2.4 - 2.5 - 2.6 - 2.7 - 2.8 - 2.9 - 2.10 - 2.11 - 2.12 - 2.13
1.0 - 2.0 - 3.0 - 4.0 - 5.0 - 6.0