Dedupe 3.0

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Dedupe 3.0: Group 2

Section 3.0 of the dedupe profile will guide you through the verification and parameters used for hitting on the title (245) field.

Group 2 Title Text Hits

Grouping allows the user to have different parameters for different potential matches. Since the title field (245) could yield extremely different potential match possibilities than a numeric hit, it is separated out to it's on group and will have the different verification parameters than the other groups.

Title (245)

This field contains the title of the book, including main title, subtitle, statement(s) of responsibility, and occasionally other information appearing on the title page.

Every record must have a 245 tag. If some of the records in the catalog do not have a title please refer to your Backstage project manager for possible suggestions.

The 245 will be used as a default for searching, although it will be searched a little different than the other default hit fields.

Group 2 - Verification Criteria and Terms

The Verify criteria is used to reduce the number of initial matches found using the Hit criteria. This allows you to further define what constitutes a good match based on the existence of other fields within your records. Fields should be selected on the basis of the match-rate you expect to see with the deduplication. Selecting fewer fields will result in more matches; selecting more fields will result in fewer, but better matches. Verify criteria should also be selected in conjunction with Hit criteria.

Verification Terms - Method

There are a few methods for verifying: FULL, PARTIAL, and WITHIN. These methods will be used for comparing data found in a specific field against the same field in a potential match record.

  • FULL - Compares the full verify string up to the verify length.
  • PARTIAL - Truncates the compare strings to the shortest string, then does a full compare:
 "The fox in and the hound" in one record, "The fox" on the other record: Both truncate to "The fox" and compared.
  • WITHIN - Searches each compare string truncated at verify length against the full un-truncated string of the other field:
 "Cat" will verify against "The cat in the hat."

Verification Terms - Normalization

Normalization refers to how the string will be presented when compared to another string. Note that any normalization will not change anything in the record, but is only used when the program compares the strings.

Types of normalization are:

  • NACO/CJK - retains spaces and subfield delimiters:
 245 $a Daniel Boone :$b a pioneer. would be normalized as $a daniel boone :$b a pioneer
  • FULL - NACO normalization with all spaces and subfield delimiters removed:
 245 $a Daniel Boone :$b a pioneer. would be normalized as danielbooneapioneer

Verification Terms - LENGTH and WORDS

This refers to how much of a given string the program will present for potential matches:

  • LENGTH - Refers to the number of characters for the verify field. The number of characters to be used is 1-2048, or all:
 Using 10 for LENGTH would truncate 245 $a Daniel Boone :$b a pioneer. to Daniel Boon if FULL method was used.
  • WORDS - Refers to a count of words to match within a given string:
 Using 2 words for 245 $a Daniel Boone :$b a pioneer returns any of the words as keywords for match possibilities.

NOTE: using WORDS will not include non-filers.

Verification Terms - Must Verify

If this option is used for any given field, then that verify has to verify or it is not considered a match. This is almost always used for the 245verification and is common in other fields as well

Verification Terms - Only if Both

This only does a verify comparison if both records have a specified field; verifies as true if only one of the records has the field. If this option was used on the 1xx field, the following would be true: Example 1:

 Record A has:
   100 $a Twain, Mark.
   245 $a Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
 Record B has no 100
   245$a Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

RESULT: Example 1 would be a match because the 100 exists in one but not the other.

Example 2:

 Record A has:
   100 $a Twain, Mark.
   245 $a Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
 Record B has:
   100 $a Clemens, Samuel.
   245 $a Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

RESULT: Example 2 would not be a match because the 100 differs.

Defaults and Options

The default for finding a potential match for this field is as follows:

  1. Use subfield a and b
  2. Use first 64 characters
  3. Use NACO normalization

Other options include:

  • Include other subfields, e.g., n or p
  • Use more or less than 64 characters: minimum of 1, maximum of 1024
  • Use other normalization methods
  • CJK - also retains spaces and subfield delimiters
  • FULL - This is the same as NACO normalization except it will remove spaces and subfield delmiters


3.1 - 3.2 - 3.3 - 3.4 - 3.5 - 3.6 - 3.7 - 3.8 - 3.9 - 3.10 - 3.11 - 3.12 - 3.13 - 3.14 - 3.15 - 3.16
1.0 - 2.0 - 3.0 - 4.0 - 5.0 - 6.0