Step 2.4
MARS 2.0 converts these subfield codes:
Tags | From | To |
024 | $b | $d |
050 | $d | $a |
111 | $b | $n |
242, 245, 246, 247 | $d | $n |
242, 245, 246, 247 | $e | $p |
411, 611, 711, 811 | $b | $n |
MARS 2.0 deletes these subfields:
Tags | Subfield |
052 | $c |
100, 110, 111, 130, 240 | $h |
100, 110, 111, 130, 240, 247 | $w |
400, 410, 411 | $w |
500 | $l, $x, $z |
600, 610, 611, 630 | $h |
600, 610, 611, 630, 650, 651 | $w |
700, 710, 711, 730 | $h |
700, 710, 711, 730 | $w |
760, 762, 765, 767, 770, 772, 773, 774, 775, 776, 777, 780, 785, 786, 787 | $q |
800, 810, 811, 830 | $w |
830 | $h, $x |
850 | $b |
850 | $d |
850 | $e |
Current cataloging practice restricts the use of Relator Term $e subfields in 100 Main Entry and 700 Added Entry-Personal Name fields. A common exception is the continued use of the relator term ill. for illustrators. Since there are many variants of ill. our MARS 2.0 software will look for these as well.
relator terms table
MARS 2.0 deletes $e and its data in fields 100 and 700 if it contains one of these Relator Terms. If not found in this list, the information remains unchanged:
arr. | ed. | joint ed. |
author | editor & translator | joint editor |
comp. & arr. | editor and translator | joint tr. |
comp. & tr. | editor | jt. auth. |
comp. and arr. | joint auth. | jt. author |
comp. and tr. | joint author | jt. ed. |
comp. | joint authors | tr. & ed. |
compiler | joint comp. | tr. and ed. |
ed. & arr. | joint compiler | tr. |
ed. & tr. | joint ed. & tr. | trans. |
ed. and arr. | joint ed. and tr. | translator |
ed. and tr. |
terms table for “ill.” changes
MARS 2.0 also changes the following variations to ill. in $e in fields 100 and 700:
comp. & illus. | ed. and illus. | jt. illus |
comp. & ill. | ed. and ill. | jt. ill. |
comp. and illus. | ill | tr. & illus. |
comp. and ill. | illus | tr. & ill. |
ed. & illus. | illustrator | tr. and illus |
ed. & ill. | joint illus | tr. and ill. |
Note: These are AACR2 tables. Some or all entries within RDA tables may be different. RDA processing options can be found in our separate MARS 2.0 guide.