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B.A.R.E Rules
Backstage Rules Engine (B.A.R.E.) Java based computer software used by the MARS 2.0 software to bring bibliographic data to current MARC21 standards. MARS 2.0 supports MARC changes distributed in MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data updates. B.A.R.E processing updates many elements in MARC bibliographic records to conform with current MARC 21 standards, proving increased consistency within your bibliographic file. (mpg)
BIBCO – Monographic Bibliographic Record Program of the PCC
In October 1995, PCC-member libraries began participating in this newest program. Many of the participants were former NCCP (National Coordinated Cataloging Program) libraries. BIBCO members are responsible for contributing full or core level bibliographic records. These records are identified as PCC records and notable for their complete authority work (both descriptive and subject), a national level call number (such as LC classification or NLM classification), and at least one subject access point drawn from nationally recognized thesauri such as LCSH, MeSH, etc., as appropriate. (google)
===Bibliographic Control Number===
Control number assigned by the organization creating, using, or distributing the record. The MARC code identifying whose system control number is present in field 001 is contained in field 003 (Control Number Identifier). An organization using a record of another organization may move the incoming control number from field 001 (and the control number identifier from field 003) to field 035 (System Control Number), 010 (Library of Congress Control Number), or 016 (National Bibliographic Agency Control Number), as appropriate, and place its own system control number in field 001 (and its control number identifier in field 003). (m21)
Bibliographic File Distribution
After MARS automated processing the library can choose to have all of their bibliographic records distributed back to them or only changed bibliographic records. They can further delimit the changes by selecting a subset of changes. The options they have to choose from are, Authority Cleanup Subfields Updates, Heading flips, Heading splits, Heading tag flips, Significant heading changes, headings changed during manual review and custom changes. (mpg)
Bibliographic Record Update Service
Bibliographic Record Update service is an on-going service product offered by Backstage Library Works. This product is intended to supplement the already existing Current Cataloging and Notification Services. With this product Backstage maintains the library’s bibliographic records as well as their authority records and delivers updated bibliographic records with new and changed authority headings. For more information on the, "Bibliographic Record Update Service", click on the following link: http://ac.bslw.com/community/blog/tag/new-product/. (ac)
Bibliographic Validation
The first phase of MARS 2.0 Authority Control is Bibliographic Validation. Bibliographic records sometimes require cleanup due to older practices (AACR1 vs AACR2). The automated process of cleaning up bibliographic records is called Bibliographic Validation. Elements of the bibliographic record are checked against current MARC21 standards and then updated when process allows. MARS 2.0 makes changes in over 100 different MARC fields within your bibliographic record. Standard MARC21 Validation covers the following: (mpg)
Leader is present and correctly structured
Directory is present and correctly structured
No record exceeds 99,999 characters. Including bib records larger than 99,999 byte maximum size prevents successful processing of the input files. Records cannot be segmented (broken apart into multiple physical records) to reach the maximum size limit. These records will be output as potentially corrupt for the library to review
No field exceeds 9,999 characters (MARC21 directory limitation)
If a record exceeds the character or field size it is not processed. If there is a large number of rejected records our programmers will contact the library project manager to determine a course of action
All records contain the following standard MARC delimiters:
Record terminators (ASCII 1D16)
Field terminators (ASCII 1E16)
Subfield delimiters (ASCII 1F16)
All records contain valid characters (either in MARC8 or UTF8)
Any null characters (hex 00) are changed to spaces when records are loaded
MARS 2.0 will also delete empty fields or subfields as records are loaded
Blind Authority Records
A blind authority record is an authority in the library’s database that does not connect to or is not associated with a bibliographic authorized heading. On a library’s ILS system the blind reference will either not be included in the authority index or will be included in the index with zero hits (bibliographic connections) associated with it. When an authority file is in place on an ILS system only the authorized heading 1XX or the see also reference 5XX of the authority record can be a blind reference. The nature of the see reference 4XX always points to the authorized heading 1XX and can not be a blind reference though on some ILS systems a search for on the see reference will have the same result as a search on the authorized heading. That is no bibliographic record will be found. (ac,mpg)
see Square Brackets
Brief MARC Authority Record
A brief MARC authority record is an authority record created from the heading in the bibliographic record. At the time of creation these headings are not tied to a national authority record. The brief MARC record is designed for temporary use to be replaced by a nationally authorized heading when available. Most ILS systems create the "brief" MARC record as a link to the existing authority heading found in the authorized field of the bibliographic record, 1XX, 4XX, 6XX, 7XX and 8XX. The MARS 2.0 Authority process also creates brief MARC records adding them to the library’s "Master File" in order to attempt to match the authority heading to a national authority record at a later date. (mpg)
Broader Term Reference
A reference from one subject heading to another subject heading that is at a higher level in a hierarchy and is therefore a more inclusive term. Broader term references appear in 5XX fields in subject authority records. (lcshpa)
In computer science a byte (pronounced "bite"), is a unit of measurement of information storage, most often consisting of eight bits. (wp)