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Parenthetical Qualifier
A word or phrase placed in parentheses after a heading either to distinguish between two different meanings of an identical term or to clarify the meaning of the heading, as in the subject headings Plates (Engineering); Plates (Tableware); BASIC (Computer program language). (lcshpa)
Partially Matched Heading
A partially matched heading occurs when only part of the heading matches a national-level authorized head. The $a of the authority record has to match or it will not be a valid partially matched heading. (mpg)
Pattern heading
A subject heading which serves as a model of subdivision practice for headings in the same category. Subdivisions listed under a pattern heading may be used whenever appropriate under other headings in the same category. For example, SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM, 1564-1616 is the pattern heading for literary authors; PIANO is the pattern heading for musical instruments. (m21)
Program for Cooperative Cataloging. An international cooperative program coordinated jointly by the Library of Congress & PCC participants around the world. The Program for Cooperative Cataloging is an international cooperative effort aimed at expanding access to library collections by providing useful, timely, and cost-effective cataloging that meets mutually-accepted standards of libraries around the world. Programs of the PCC: BIBCO, NACO, SACO, CONSER. (google)
Period Subdivision
See Chronological subdivision (lcshpa)
Personal Name Heading
A name heading is an access point in a bibliographic record for a person that had something to do with the creation of that work. It is represented in the MARC authority record in the 100 tag and in the bibliographic record in the 100, 700, 800 and the subject of a work as a 600. The most common authority record is an established heading for a personal name. These headings appear in records for all kinds of resources such as: monographs, serials, integrating resources, audiovisual materials, sound recordings, etc. Some examples of name headings: the author of a book, the editor of a book, a translator of a book, an actor in a film, a performer in an opera, etc. These headings allow catalog users to retrieve all of the relevant bibliographic records for the name they search. (ac, google)
Physical Description Fixed Field
This field (007) may be added to any format record, to provide information for various types of materials. More than one 007 field may be added to a bibliographic record. The subfields in this tag are defined for the category of material being described. The 007 field may be used to further describe the primary format of material given in the 008 field, or to augment the information provided in a 006 field, for additional material characteristics. In some cases, you may have multiple 007 fields, corresponding to both the format described in the 008 field, and that described in the 006 field. (google)
Place Subdivision
See Geographic subdivision (lcshpa)
Processing frequency
With the MARS 2.0 software the library can select the frequency you will be submitting files of new bibliographic records (for example, weekly, monthly, etc.). The start date can be selected based on local needs. If a library has chosen quarterly Current Catalog processing, and has selected to begin the processing in April, the updates processing would be scheduled for April, July, October, and January. Both the frequency and schedule can be changed upon request. Often a library is uncertain as to how often they should send their current cataloging records. A good measurement for determining the frequency you should send us your records is to determine how often your library creates or brings in 5,000 records. If you are bringing in 5,000 new records a quarter then send us your records quarterly. If you are bringing in or creating 5,000 new records every month then send us your records monthly. (mpg)
A pseudonym is a fictitious alternative to a person’s legal name (see alias). In some cases, pseudonyms are adopted because it is part of a cultural or organizational tradition. Pseudonyms are also used to hide an individual’s identity, as with writers’ pen names. (wp)