RDA 3.2

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RDA 3.2: GMD Processing

☐ Retain 245 $h GMD term
☐ Add 245 $h GMD term when missing
    ☐ AACR2 records only
☐ Remove 245 $h GMD term
    ☐ Move to 500 field
    ☐ Move to other field

Retain or remove GMD

PCC guidelines for hybrid records recommends retaining the GMD (245 $h) until after March 31, 2016 to facilitate ILS display or discovery. To this end there are also options to add GMDs to records that are missing one. Options are available for excluding the addition of certain terms if desired.

Add missing GMD terms

MARS 2.0 also has the ability to add missing GMD terms. Current PCC standards recommend not adding missing GMDs to existing RDA records. However, we understand that this may be desirable in the short term for some libraries participating in the transition between AACR2 and RDA records.

Remove GMD terms

MARS 2.0 also provides the option to remove the GMD in the 245 $h if you no longer need it. This is not currently recommended by LC/PCC standards. However, if you do need to remove the 245 $h, you may wish to house it elsewhere temporarily. Please choose in either a generic 500 field or some other field within your record.


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